Rules of Origin

Data for your automated calculation

As logical components and as full text

Rules of origin stipulate how preferential origin is to be obtained or conferred by working or processing under a regional trade agreement, i.e. free trade agreement (FTA) or under a unilateral regulation granting preferences allowing for preferential customs tariffs at importation into the destination country. Especially the so-called list rules of the relevant origin protocols are a challenge for the implementation of corresponding duty saving processes, as they vary with the regional trade agreements.

Our data content supports both the availability of current list rule texts broken down to the single rules as well as the automated origin calculation based on logical components such as, for instance, added value or item shift rules. The textual expression of the rules, however, always complements the logical components to allow for textual reference when mandatory or deemed necessary. For the rule texts, different language versions may be supported whilst the logical components are language independent.

We support the standard interfaces for origin calculation of SAP GTS, AEB and dbh. In addition, individual solutions may be supported.

Data content on rules of origin is available in XML and in text-based formats.

We support amongst others the list rules of the agreements of the European Union (EU), Switzerland and EFTA, for agreements of China, Singapore and ASEAN as well as the US including USMCA.

Due to the growing number of FTAs our data content on rules of origin is constantly being enhanced and upgraded. We are glad to receive your requests on list rules for further countries or regions.

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